Wednesday, October 31, 2007

George's of Galilee

Picture 233, originally uploaded by aznkey.

Finishing our fried clams left us hungry for more. But jumping back into a now 1 hour line was just not an option. But no worries, we had other plans in mind. We were 30 mins away from another seafood shack that was said to sell 10,000 clam cakes a day. Something we had to try.

We were all excited to try some clam cake since we never had it before. But i think our expectation might have been a little too high. I image a clam cake to resemble something like a crab cake but with clams. So what i found at george's of galilee was a major disappointment. A fritter with tiny chunks of clams was not was i expected. I might as well order a clam chowder with a funnel cake, at least it would have tasted better. But on the upside, it was cheap, 12 for 3 something. All was no lost, the little green cup of frozen lemonade in the background was kick ass. The best lemonade i've had in a long time.


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