Thursday, June 21, 2007

berry sherbert

berry sherbert, originally uploaded by aznkey.

didn't make anything really, but it looks nice right?

berry tea

berry tea, originally uploaded by aznkey.

Green tea infused with raspberries and strawberries.


PICT2924, originally uploaded by aznkey.

shopping for color. raspberry, blueberries, black berries, orange, bell pepper, corn, scallion, avocado, spinach, cucumber.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

eat your color

eat your color, originally uploaded by aznkey.


Friday, June 08, 2007

MOnster berry

jen berry reject, originally uploaded by aznkey.

Some of the stawberries were HUGE, look at this one next to my cell phone.

Chocolate Strawberries

Plated berries, originally uploaded by aznkey.

Strawberries are in season. At 1.50 a pint i counldn't resist, even if they are filled with pesticide.

Dipped in Scharffen Berger bittersweet chocolate and decorated with baker's white chocolate.

BBQ chicken sandwich

BBQ chicken sandwich, originally uploaded by aznkey.

BBQ chicken breast with some bacon in asiago cheese bread

Pork stir fry

Pork stir fry, originally uploaded by aznkey.

Take some pork, add some "RAW" and fry it up.


Raw, originally uploaded by aznkey.

Colorful! red and green bell peppers, squash, zucchini, carrots.


pineapple, originally uploaded by aznkey.

The asian way of cutting a pineapple. Or maybe it's just the stingy way of doing it. The american way would just be chop off all the sides until you get removes all the "eyes". Here you can see the frugal way of removing only the "eyes" so you don't waste pineapple. Plus it looks cooler too no?

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