Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Congee with condiments

Congee with condiments, originally uploaded by aznkey.

A very chinese or perhaps asian dinner. The gluten and bamboo shoots was out of a can so no notes on that.

Scallion eggs
Another favorite of mine, i love eggs. My dad would make this with shrimp and my grandma would use ground pork, both excellent with rice. Here's the basics

scallion 1/egg
1 ts fish sauce/egg
1 ts sugar/ egg

Combine all your ingredients in a bowl and beat until the eggs look semi homogenous.

In a very hot pan, add enough oil to coat the bottom( adding more oil helps give the eggs a nice golden color when you fry it) Cook until the bottom is a nice golden color and flip.

Notes: If you have alot of eggs and the pan is small you'll have to push the sides in while cooking to allow the remaining raw eggs to cook. Also turn down the heat after you add the eggs so you don't burn them.

The squash stew in kelp and bonito broth was pretty good, add more soy next time maybe some salt


Blogger charsiubao said...

i like adding a bit of milk to the egg, like just a couple tsp. it doesn't cook up as hard, but the taste is milder and it feels a bit smoother.

7:11 AM  

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